The Complete Employer ACA Compliance Manual

What Makes Our Products Unique?


How HCI compares to competitors who have written books on the ACA?


OBSOLESCENCE – HCI has solved the problem of OBSOLESCENCE. Think about it. Bound books, on any subject, including the ACA, are historic, limiting the information to the date of publication. The Affordable Care Act is truly a “Legislative Work in Progress. Our Manual includes 12 months of “real time” legislative
updates. For instance, between November, 2014 and February, 2015 the ACA was updated eleven times on eleven different ACA topics or provisions. In addition, nine new forms were created or updated on 4 different ACA provisions.


COMPLIANCE – The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires strict compliance on those employers who offer Employer – Sponsored Insurance (ESI). The ACA identifies nearly 40 provisions that may be subject to penalties for non-compliance. As stated above, the HCI Manual includes 12 months of “real time” legislative updates. This feature reduces the chances of a business relying on outdated legislative information when completing one of nearly 109 regulatory forms or notices created by the ACA.


TECHNOLOGY – Providing our purchasers with ongoing support for a law that changes monthly, if not daily, requires the use of advanced client relationship systems and communication systems that are both automated and interactive. Some of the media tools we incorporate are Podcasts, On Demand Tutorials and Educational Programs, Live Workshops and Webinars on a variety of ACA topics,Smart software systems with automated functions.


MEMBERSHIP – Purchasers become HCI MEMBERS. Membership includes:
  1. Access to nationally recognized ACA Experts
  2. Email Call Center: You ASK…We ANSWER
  3. Monthly ACA Legislative changes
  4. Periodic Newsletters on current ACA topics
  5. Calendar of Events: Audio, Video, Live Workshops and Webinars on current ACA topics
  6. Continuous ACA education opportunities


MEMBERSHIP in Month 13 – Continue to receive valuable ACA updates and all of the other benefits HCI MEMBERS are entitled to for a low monthly fee.

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