Employee benefits, including employer-sponsored insurance, are terrific tools that employers use to attract and retain qualified personnel for their business. Reasons for voluntarily providing health coverage range from a desire to be competitive in the labor market to genuine concern for employees’ welfare.
The Affordable Care Act has changed an employer’s responsibilities and liabilities regarding whether they are required to offer group health coverage, as well as the parameters within which they do so. This has resulted in some employers being encouraged to offer coverage, while others are disincentivized. Insurance professionals need to discuss an employer’s range of options, and be willing to do so even when the best option may be to drop their coverage.
So what are you thinking about doing? Do you employ under 50 full-time employees, currently offer coverage, and want to learn whether there are better options for you and your employees? We provide a cost/benefit analysis of the costs to you and your employees to continue to have group coverage vs. the costs to your employees to transition to individual market Exchange policies.
Do you employ 50 and over full-time employees, and want to learn your options heading into 2015? We provide a 5-step process for employers and business owners to use to perform in-house cost/benefit analyses of their existing insurance coverage (if any) against ACA-compliant coverage, taking into consideration any potential Play-or-Pay penalties.
Whether you are “under 50” or “50 and over,” the Healthcare Compliance team can help you transition your workforce to individual Exchange policies. If you decide that dropping your group coverage is the best direction for you and your employees, our HCI Transition Package accomplishes this with the least amount of disruption to your day-to-day operations, turning what could be a difficult task into a positive experience.